At DTPM, We Care About Our Community
Our Passion Is What Drives Us
Our journey began with the establishment of Family Life Center. Family Life Center has been serving the community for more than two decades to provide effective, quality counseling in a faith based atmosphere. The organization has grown in location and mission which lead to the establishment of DTPM in 1993.
DTPM’s roots were planted as a drug screening company to become another important part of the recovery process. DTPM has since flourished, as it currently serves hundreds of labs throughout the United States and is a leading provider of turnkey laboratory solutions. DTPM now supports physicians offices, reference labs, drug courts and treatment centers across the U.S. and provides state-of-the-art lab equipment, total program management, laboratory consumables to support molecular biology and drug testing.
What is special about DTPM, is not necessarily how much it has grown and evolved over the years, it is that though it has changed, the constant factor remains the focus of all that we do. DTPM is affiliated with Family Life Center, New Outlook Detox, and Rapha Treatment Center in which each organization supports the many stages of recovery. The most important aspect of these organizations as a whole are the people that work within each organization.
DTPM has a unique staff, both in life experience and in compassion. Our team cares about those of whom we serve and enjoys getting up, and going to work knowing they are going to make a difference in someone’s life. To be a part of a bigger picture is the most humbling and rewarding aspect of what we do. Giving back just isn’t something we do as a requirement to fulfill as a company, but it is a humbling way of life for so many of our staff members and the very reason so many join DTPM and the other affiliated organizations.
What we do makes a difference in so many lives every day and our foundation was built on faith and the mission to bring change and sobriety into as many lives as we can, while serving healthcare providers and laboratories with the means to do so. No matter how we grow or what comes next for us, our vision still remains clear.
Gene Cleckler, CEO and Founder of DTPM Shares His Story:
In 1975 while at Youngs Landing, (teenage hangout) I was introduced to my first drink of alcohol via Miller Pony. They looked like an innocent enough drink in a 6 pack, so I drank all 6 and ended my night sick and throwing up. On the way to that sickness, I had a moment of learning about euphoria from alcohol, and I liked it. I would come back to search for that feeling time and time again until April 14, 1983, when I was admitted to a treatment center to treat my addiction. The years between the start and end of my addiction was a whirlwind of events that culminated in me spending 35 days in a 28-day program.

There were many opportunities for me to decide substances were a bad idea for my life but each time rationalizations and justifications would keep me deep in my addiction. Quickly graduating to different substances, including cocaine which was my primary drug of choice upon my admission to treatment. Car accidents and many days when the drugs could have ended my life didn’t seem to open my eyes.
I learned what intervention was when my family got together with a counselor and confronted my addiction and behavior. This session ended with me agreeing I would be willing to go into treatment in a month. My family said no, I had to go sooner. I said I would check with my boss to see if I could get time off, but family informed me they had talked to my boss. I had already been approved for the time off and my clothes were packed in the car. I entered treatment the next morning.
It didn’t take long for treatment to begin working on me. God’s blessings were obvious and immediate. Those 35 days opened my eyes and gave me a hunger for recovery. I attended Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings daily for a number of years and are still part of my life today.
I began volunteering in a treatment center close to my home. My day would start early with meditation sessions with the clients, followed by noon and/or night meetings. I was actually paid to sign visitors in on the weekend at a local treatment center which was my first job at a treatment center only months after leaving treatment. In January 1984, I got my first full-time job in a treatment center in Talladega and I enrolled in Jacksonville State University where I completed my second college degree, a Bachelors in Social Work in 1989. In 1993, I completed my Masters in Social Work at the University of Alabama. Had it not been for my addiction and treatment, I would have likely only finished my associate’s degree. My addiction and desire to work with other addicts and alcoholics helped fuel my goals.
My career has continued to advance and after opening Family Life Center, an outpatient treatment center in April 1993, I found I had a knack for business. Drug Testing Program Management, Inc. now DTPM, Inc came along as a natural addition to the treatment center to provide drug testing. In later years many other successful businesses followed and DTPM has evolved into a company the currently sets up laboratories all over the country for drug testing and PCR testing, including COVID-19 since late January 2020.
God’s blessings are the key point in this story. My belief is that I have never earned a single thing and that each of the blessings has been a gift. God’s grace has been sufficient and today it is my goal to end this story (my life) in a way that He would be pleased with. My last drink or drug was on April 14, 1983. God, AA, NA, and the people along the way have helped me to end up where I am. Each person has played an integral role in my life. My wife Pam and I live a life that places God first as we start each day with Him. I am blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren.
I have seen many suffering addicts fall over the years and none have ever died in vain. Their story provides recovery for another suffering addict.
Ministries We Support
Family Life Center
Renewed hope and a better life for those suffering the devastation of domestic violence, drug abuse, and mental and emotional problems.
A Non-Profit Facility for Outpatient Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Treatment. Opened in April 1993 and serving the following communities:
Attalla, Athens, Centre, Fort Payne, Scottsboro, Guntersville, Decatur, and Huntsville.
Our mission is to provide effective, quality counseling in a faith-based atmosphere. Family Life Center offers outpatient services through Individual, Group Therapy, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Domestic Violence Groups, Employee Assistance Programs and Drug Testing for local companies.
Rapha Treatment Centers
Rapha Treatment Center is a private, non-profit, State Certified, faith based drug and alcohol treatment program.
Rapha was incorporated and began rehabilitation services in August 1997 as a 30-bed facility. Today Rapha Treatment Centers offers residential treatment services to both men and women.
Today, Rapha Treatment Center is the largest faith based residential drug and alcohol treatment facility in the state with low and high intensity residential services offered on the same campus. A phased program approach allows continuity of care for up to one year of continuous residential recovery and facilitates a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC). Rapha Ministries has grown to become a vital link to the City of Gadsden and the Etowah County judicial/corrections system and an asset to surrounding counties and the state of Alabama.
- American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), 6 Dimension Adult Placement Assessments
- Department of Transportation (DOT) Alcohol & Drug Assessments
- Crisis Residential Treatment – ASAM Level of Care III.5 – Clinically Managed High Intensity
- Residential Rehabilitation – ASAM Level of Care III.1 – Clinically Managed Low Intensity
- Dual Diagnosis Capable – Referral to CED Mental Health Center
- Vocational Rehabilitation – Referral to Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS)
- Adult Education – Referral to Gadsden State Community College
Inbound Ministries
Inbound’s Mission Statement:
InBounds Ministries uses sports to attract a wider audience. Sports tend to be a common denominator of most cultures. Gender doesn’t matter. Race doesn’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. Sports cross those boundaries – as did Jesus – as does the Gospel – as does God’s Word!
In an effort to maintain a balanced Biblical approach to ministry, we are committed to the Great Commission of evangelism and discipleship… carried out through the Great Commandment of loving God and loving others… via God’s Great Game Plan (Acts 1:8) of local, national, and international outreach…
Todd has been serving in ministry for over 30 years, and this year marks 25 years of Lisa being a part of Team Burden! And we are still hand in hand and moving forward in missions…
International Gospel Mission
The International Gospel Mission on Abaco was started in 1982 by Pastor Robin Weatherford.
He was born and raised on Man-O-War Cay, a small island off the mainland of Abaco. He grew up in a Christian home and was saved as a young boy. His godly parents, Robbie and Alice Weatherford, not only led him to the Lord, but also taught him to serve the Lord. Before going into the ministry, he worked and did many jobs, from construction to working with Albury’s Ferry Service. In 1974 he met and married Myrna Collins. Three years later their first child, a daughter they named Tabitha, was born. Having a desire to serve the Lord, they traveled the Bahamian islands holding children’s meetings and evangelical services, until Tabitha was three years old. He felt called to be a missionary and God showed him the need for a missionary right at his home.
In 1982, he began holding church services in a small broken down and abandoned building near one of the small Haitian villages. The church was originally known as the Creole Gospel Chapel since Pastor Robin Weatherford is affiliated with the Assemblies of Brethren in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. In 1984, the Weatherford’s were blessed with the birth of their second daughter and last child, Priscilla. With the constant inflow of Haitian refugees from Haiti, the church began to grow rapidly. That same year a piece of property was secured on Crockett Drive in Marsh Harbour and a new building consisting of a church apartment, Sunday School rooms, and a meeting area which could hold a congregation of 100 was began with the help of many people from around the world.
Island Outreach
Focused on training and encouraging Bahamian and Haitian pastors to reach the next generation in the Bahamas.
For 40 plus years Randy and Paula have been going two to four weeks each year, to do ministry on the Out Islands of the Bahamas. Through those years, they have made contact with some of the most wonderful people. They have met young preachers that are discouraged and ready to quit. These Pastors have very little help and they feel abandoned and alone as they serve God on some of the remote islands. It is these Pastors and their wives that the Crowe’s believe they can make a difference in.
Pastor Randy uses the airplane to fly into these smaller islands and help these young pastors reach their people with the Gospel. It is his desire to encourage the pastor, and Paula will help these young pastor’s wives to build a ministry to reach women. Some of these islands are small and remote like Ragged Island with 81 residents and Current Island with just 35 residents. It is these Bahamian and Haitian pastors that Randy and Paula are helping to train and encourage to reach the next generation in the Bahamas.
Missionary Flights
MFI operates out of two hangars flying turbine-powered DC-3s to meet the needs of over 450 missions in the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and wherever the Lord directs.
Don Beldin was just one man flying a small single-engine airplane in the 1960s for Youth for Christ evangelism in the Bahamas. Responding to need, Don began transporting other missionaries and equipment in his plane. In 1964, the Lord guided Don to incorporate Missionary Flights International (MFI) to meet the growing needs of Bible-centered missions. The need for air service increased, so MFI acquired larger planes and added new countries.
After 42 years in West Palm Beach, MFI moved to Fort Pierce, FL in 2006. Today, MFI operates out of two hangars flying turbine-powered DC-3s to meet the needs of over 450 missions in the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and wherever the Lord directs. About 300 tons of cargo and 4,000 Christian workers are transported every year.