DTPM Has a New Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Panel

DTPM's Human Papillomavirus HPV Molecular Testing Panel
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the U.S. and mostly impacts people in their late teens to early 20s. HPV can be spread through sexual contact and skin-to-skin contact if your sexual partner is carrying the infection and symptoms can be dormant for years and can be difficult to diagnose or trace back to first contact.

There are several different types of HPV that can cause additional serious health problems including genital warts and cancer. According to the CDC, there are other conditions and cancers caused by HPV that occur in people living in the United States. Every year, about 19,400 women and 12,100 men experience cancers caused by HPV. The largest risk regarding HPV is cervical cancer. According to the CDC, Every year, nearly 12,000 women living in the U.S. will have cervical cancer. More than 4,000 women die from cervical cancer.

What you Need to Know About HPV and Cervical Cancer

All women are at risk for Cervical Cancer and it most often occurs in those over the age of 30. Currently, cervical cancer affects about 1 in 125 American women. Cervical Cancer starts in the cell lining of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus, also referred to as the womb. The best possible way to protect yourself from cervical cancer is to have regular Pap smears and HPV screening tests to prevent any issues from occurring or escalating.

How DTPM Can Help in Screening for HPV

DTPM provides clinicians with the latest molecular diagnostic testing HPV panel, allowing for fast, accurate, and comprehensive screenings across a broad spectrum of pathogens and genetically influenced conditions that will best benefit the patient with accurate and quick results. We enable healthcare providers to perform an accurate overall HPV screening for the prevention and detection of HPV. Our goal is to provide clear, accurate diagnostic reports, empowering clinicians to make the most informed treatment decisions for their patients.

What Pathogens does our HPV Panels Test For?

The following Pathogens Detected in the HPV panel are:

HPV-01 Human Papillomavirus Strain 16
HPV-03 Human Papillomavirus Strain 18
HPV-04 Human Papillomavirus Strain 31
HPV-05 Human Papillomavirus Strain 35
HPV-06 Human Papillomavirus Strain 39
HPV-07 Human Papillomavirus Strain 45
HPV-08 Human Papillomavirus Strain 51
HPV-09 Human Papillomavirus Strain 52
HPV-10 Human Papillomavirus Strain 56
HPV-11 Human Papillomavirus Strain 58
HPV-12 Human Papillomavirus Strain 59
HPV-13 Human Papillomavirus Strain 66
HPV-14 Human Papillomavirus Strain 67
HPV-15 Human Papillomavirus Strain 68
HPV-EC *Endogenous Control

Important note:

Patients who are HPV-16 or HPV-18 positive should be monitored carefully for the development of high-grade cervical dysplasia according to current practice guidelines.

It is so important to bring awareness to those at risk and normalize the importance of regular health screenings and proper education on the risk factors and causes of HPV that leads to more serious health issues such as cervical cancer and genital warts. DTPM is proud to be a part of the prevention and early detection of HPV.